The Americas Tuna Conference 2018 will bring together notable industry experts to address important and dynamic topics. More speakers will be announced soon.
Antonio Adolfo Guerra Autrey - Chairman
Managing Director of Grupomar
The Latest Developments In The Mexican Consumer Market
Antonio Adolfo Guerra Autrey was born on June 4th 1968 in Mexico City, and graduated in Business Administration at the University of Anahuac, in Mexico DF. His working experience started in... more |
Eduardo Enrique Carles Pérez
Minister of Agricultural Development of Panama
Opening Speech
Eduardo Enrique Carles Pérez earned his degree in Industrial Engineering at the University Santa María La Antigua, in Panama. Between 2010 and 2015, Carles worked at SENAVEN, S.A... more |
Guillermo A. Morán Velásquez
Managing Director of Tuna Conservation Group (TUNACONS)
How Tunacons Wants To Reach Sustainable Tuna Fisheries
Guillermo A. Moran Velasquez is a Fisheries Engineer at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) in Brasil. Moran has been working in the fisheries sector in Ecuador for the past 24 years, taking... more
Paolo Caricato
European Commission DG SANTE’s Deputy Head of Unit Food Hygiene
The Do’s & Don’ts In Tuna Handling For Export To EU
Paolo CARICATO is the deputy head of the food hygiene unit within the Health and Food Safety Directorate General (SANTE) of the European Commission. This unit determines and formulates... more |
Guillermo Compeán
Director of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC)
State Of The Stocks
IATTC: Towards An Economically Viable Model For Catch And By–Catch Reduction
Guillermo Compeán, born in Mexico, in 1953; earned his degree in Biology at the University of Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico, and his PhD in Biological Oceanography at the University of Aix-Marseille II... more |
Jose Antonio Zarzalejos - Session Co-Chair
Partner at PwC | Retail & Consumer Deals Leader
Family Owned Tuna Companies, Their Successful Rise & Future
Jose (Bilbao, Spain – Jan. 30th, 1981) is a Corporate Finance | M&A Partner at PwC. He leads the Retail & Consumer sector within the firm’s Deals division and is PwC’s Subject Matter Expert for the... more |
Mariana Ramos Sánchez
Executive Director of the Pacific Alliance for Sustainable Tuna
MSC - The Emerging Tuna Industry Standard That Will Replace Dolphin Safe?
Mariana Ramos is the Executive Director of the Pacific Alliance for Sustainable Tuna, a group focused on sustainability and corporate social responsibility whose members represent more than 90% of... more |
Simon Bush
Professor and Chair of the Environmental Policy Group at Wageningen University
Do FIPs Have A Future?
Simon Bush is Professor and Chair of the Environmental Policy Group at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He is the author of over 70 academic papers on the sustainable and equitable... more |
Jogeir Toppe
Fishery Industry Officer at FAO
Microplastics To Micronutrients: Shifting Away From Fear Towards Health Benefits
Jogeir Toppe is a Fishery Industry Officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. His responsibilities have particular focus on the role fish plays, or could play, in reducing levels of... more |
Henk Brus - Session Co-Chair
Managing Director, Sustunable
How Irresponsible Buying Leads To Record Tuna Prices
Henk Brus was born into the tuna business as the son of a canned foods’ importer. In 1987, after finishing his study in psychology, he started work in the food trade sector. From 1992 to 1998, he was... more |
Jim Humphreys
Global Fisheries Coordinator, Marine Stewardship Council
Global Growth In MSC Certified Tuna
Jim joined the Marine Stewardship Council in 1999, and currently serves as the Global Fisheries Coordinator. Jim has a B.S. degree in Fisheries Science from Oregon State University and an M.S. degree in... more |
Christopher Lebsock
Partner, Hausfeld LLP
The Legal Power Of Consumers And Retailers To Sue The Big 3 Over Underfilling, Price Fixing And Collusion
A partner at Hausfeld, Christopher Lebsock represents consumers and businesses in complex legal disputes in a variety of jurisdictions across the globe. Chris regularly consults with clients, trade... more |
Samantha Stein
Associate Attorney, Hausfeld LLP
The Legal Power Of Consumers And Retailers To Sue The Big 3 Over Underfilling, Price Fixing And Collusion
Samantha Stein is an Associate Attorney in Hausfeld LLP’s San Francisco office focused on complex litigation, class actions, and antitrust enforcement. She is the lead associate for a... more |
Sancho Kim
Operation & Sales Manager, SILLA CO., LTD.
The Emerging Role Of Western Pacific Tuna In The Latin Markets
Mr. Sancho Kim is fleet operation and fish sales manager for SILLA CO.,LTD. in Korea which operates 32 vessels including 17 tuna purse seiners and 11 long liners. His tasks are to operate Tuna Fleets and... more |
Stefaan Depypere
DG MARE, Director for International Ocean Governance and Sustainable Fisheries
How International Ocean Governance Affects The Tuna Fleets
Stefaan Depypere was born in Kortrijk, Belgium, in 1955. He is married and has 3 children. He graduated in Applied Economics (Antwerp University, cL, 1976) and as Commercial Engineer... more |
Margreet Brinxma
Product Integrity Manager, Sustunable
What Is A Reliable Chain Of Custody For Purse Seine Tuna Catch?
Margreet Brinxma joined Sustunable in 2017 as Product Integrity Manager, after studying Public Administration and obtaining her Masters degree on the role of Data Management in Eco... more |
Renato Bustamante
Commercial Manager Canned and Frozen Fish – Pesquera Hayduk S.A.
The Rise Of The Peruvian Tuna Industry
Renato Bustamante Tori graduated in Fisheries Engineering at the Agrarian University La Molina, in Peru, after which he completed his MBA at University of Applied Sciences in Lima, Peru... more |
Zuleika Pinzón
General Administrator of the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama
Panamanian Tuna Fleet And Panama's Cooperation With Other Countries
Designated as the General Administrator of the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama (ARAP), Zuleika Pinzón graduated in Fisheries Engineering at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco... more |
Mario Gilberto Aguilar Sánchez - Session Co-Chair
Director of CONAPESCA, National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Mexico
US And Mexico WTO Tuna Dolphin Arbitration
Mario Aguilar is the National Commissioner for Aquaculture and Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Rural Development Fisheries and Food of Mexico. He’s designed implementation... more |
Gabriel Gómez Celaya
General Manager, Marine Instruments
How Drone Technology Can Play A Future Role In Tuna Fishing
Gabriel Gómez Celaya (Guernica, Spain – Oct. 25th, 1973) is the General Manager of Marine Instruments since 2013. After spending more than 15 years working in different countries... more |
Alfonso Miranda Eyzaguirre - Session Co-Chair
Director of the Fisheries & Aquaculture Commission of the SNI (Peru)
Alfonso Miranda Eyzaguirre graduated in Business Administration at the University of Lima, and Senior Management Program at the University of Piura, both in Peru. With... more |
Hamish Wiig
VP Global Sales at Peco InspX
Detecting What The Hu
Hamish is Vice President of Global Sales at Peco InspX. He is responsible for the company’s global sales and service capability globally, including oversight of several key market... more |